He still looks to it of more intent form, we will be able to find somebody that defends of fervorosa form the same definition, however what if it can perceive it is that these are most current concepts e, therefore more popular. However Espinosa comes to point out that the faith not if of the one for the word, but for the action, as he himself can interpret of the Holy Writs. It could be thought that because Espinosa said that philosophy and faith are distinct things and they do not become related that the philosopher cannot think on the faith or the fidiciary office on the philosophy. He himself sample that this is possible when the proper one, Jewish, if withholds in the philosophical analysis of the sacred texts and when affirming that for the rationality and through the natural light it is only possible to the man to know God truily, that is for the practical one of its justice, the charity and its manifestation. The position of Espinosa regarding the faith, its practical recital and, could not be defended by no well-known popular religion.
The religions do not open hand of that the fidiciary office professes its doctrine, while Espinosa suggests that whichever the religious denomination of each one the same must practise good workmanships. With certainty it must not have pleased the religious institutions. From there, we can perceive because Espinosa was cursed and I banish from the Jewish community and why the reading of its texts is not recommended in some Christian seminaries. What, without a doubt, it marks the theory of Baruch de Espinosa is that it, pertaining to a traditional religious chain, at least until being removed of it, abominates any species of fanatism and persecution. Espinosa defends that each man must be known and judged for its workmanships and not for the doctrine that adheres public and it takes the veil. From there it can be concluded, surely, that if the time expense with the attempt of conversion for such and such religious denomination was used for who proceeds in such a way in the charity and, therefore, in the love to the next one, some things that bother as much the fidiciary offices how much the infidels would leave to exist.