Social commitment in the mommy Web mothers Mommy Web moms call your own fundraiser to life and help needy the Arche e.V. in Berlin. Frankfurt, October 20, 2009: Social engagement is very important to Mommy Web. The members of mommy Web, which again online community for moms, have demonstrated that: In August of this year, joined a group of mommy Web users and collected for a property and dress donation at the Arche e.V. (Christian children’s and youth work) in Berlin. The result: Early October over 843 26 packages, and parcels at the Arche e.V.
parts were donated. This was mainly to clothing, but also games, children’s books, and milk bottles. Pastor Bernd Siggelkow, founder of the Arche e.V., the donation gratefully accepted. The Ark will distribute the donation free of charge to the needy. Managed and launched the action was by solo-Mommy Mommy Web Member”, after the Arche e.V. had read by a call for donations. Who wants to learn more about the project, can Mommy Web in inform the Gruppe project Ark e.V”.
The Ark: The children and youth centre “Die Arche” was founded in 1995 in Berlin-Hellersdorf. Since March 2005, there is also a site in Berlin-Friedrichshain. Winners of the local institution is “Die Arche in Berlin – Christian children’s and youth work e. V.”. The aim is to get children off the street to offer meaningful activities to tackle social deficits, and to provide children of society in the Centre. Mommy Web: Mommy Web is the largest German online portal for mothers and women who want to be there with 260,000 registered users. A new Member of the free community, which was founded in June 2007 registered every two minutes. Mommy Web daily over 10,000 posts will be posted. Mommy Web thus belongs to the largest and most active women-specific websites in the German-speaking world. Mommy Web offers tips from moms and advice from professional women, every day new articles in the mommy Web Magazine and in the Lifestyle blog, contact mothers from the region, practical functionalities (E.g. photo albums, ads, chat room) and the ability to create your own Mommy Web groups with subject-specific or regional alignment. press contact: Mami-Web GmbH, Natalija Krenz Tel.: + 49-69-4898166-0 E-mail: