Police boarding Siderley Andrade de Lima We will go to treat on police boarding, we know that the body search or boarding is a discomfort for any person, however in the current days with the growth of crime it is a basic procedure in the police work. In the police activity the boarding will be carried through whenever the person to carry through some attitude suspicion. To be boarded in blitz is not demerit for the citizen and is necessary action for its security. If you will be stopped you see the tips and behavior queb can help to hinder that the situation if transforms into conflict: – It obeys the blockades carried through for the policy; – He is calm, does not run; – It leaves its visible hands and it does not make no brusque movement; – It readily takes care of to the signals and orientaes of p.m. or GCM; – Next the blockades look for to lower glasses of the car in case that it has insulfilm, it at night lights the internal light of the car in the case of the blockade to be; – In the boarding, if it does not precipitate in taking off of the pocket the identity card. It waits orientation; – When it will have two or more people in the interior of the vehicle, them they must wait orientation to leave, keeping the visible hands always; – It gives to all the requested information for the policeman; – one will be without documents, supplies policial/GCM given that they assist its identification; – It does not give pulled out and it does not direct in high speed close to bases and of ranks you police, does not pierce and it does not give escape of police blockades, such situations can badly be interpreted and to generate serious consequences. One remembers: ' ' To be boarded for policy or GCM not menospreza the citizen, but better guarantees one to it segurana' '. Siderley Andrade de Lima, is consulting of personal, collaborating security of the CONSEG Alphaville/Tambor,
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7th Battalion Policies
In Ultimas weeks the Seventh Battalion of Polices that this situated one in the city of Is Gonalo in the State of Rio De Janeiro has suffered a rain from problems, everything had beginning with the Death of the Patrician Female judge Acioli, magistrada that he daily fought shunting line attitudes of behavior of you police and at great length examined each auto one of resistance that could sweat as a extermnio in the reality of the fact. From fear the arrest each more certain time, a group of you police of the Seventh battalion and its leader the Former Commander of the Seventh o lieutenant-colonel Claude Luiz Oliveira had been accused to articulate and to execute the Death of the Patrician Female judge Acioli, Warlike Plan that success due to lamentable loss for all had the city of the illustrious one and that she fought and to the crime, to put it finished discovered, and then they had started a series of shunting line discoveries of behavior of policemen of such Battalion, another nonsense was the negotiation of permission for the invasion of a community that cost the ten dealers the twenty a thousand Reals. a faction negotiated with policemen of the seventh battalion the invasion of the Covered with white lead one and paid so that Policia did not intervene in the action, the fact was discovered and also it was layer of the Periodical Are Gonalo, in day 10 of September, now had the fame of the battalion a new version of Game GTA modified patamo with the registration gained one 7 BPM with polices virtual with a behavior nothing exemplary and this has given what to speak. On the other hand living of many quarters of They are Gonalo has complained very of the abandonment on the part of polices in places that had always been calm and that nowadays it is not more, example of this is the Quarter of the Jockey who today this dominated By armed Dealers of Metal ring and garnet, thing that did not exist before the UPPs Celebrities, the Quarter of the Jockey is surrounded by Mounts to put different of the River these mounts is not slum quarters very in contrast is surrounded by land of very green bush and streets of barros in the majority with few houses, but in the known place as Trunk Dealers of the C..